PhD in Ethnochoreology. Researching Cape Breton step dancing traditions and transmission, University of Limerick, Ireland, 2012.
Master of Arts in Ethnochoreology (Hons) from The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick, Ireland, 2005.
Labanotation Course, arranged by the Scottish Traditions of Dance Trust, Edinburgh, 2000. Also Labanotation as part of the MA Ethnochoreology 2004-2005.
Step Dancing — Cape Breton and Scotland 1992 – present. In particular – Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Summer Courses 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996; Ceòlas Summer School, South Uist 1996, and 1997. Courses and private classes with Harvey Beaton, Mary Janet MacDonald, Jean MacNeil, Bonnie Jean MacDonald, Willie Fraser, Maureen Fraser-Doyle, Claire MacQuarrie, Mairi Rankin, Wendy MacIssac, Alexander MacDonnell, and Frank McConnell.
Shetland Dancing — Maria Leask and Chris Metherell.
Hebridean Dancing — classes and sessions with Fearchar Macneil, Barra, 1989, 1990; Katie Ann Mackinnon, Barra, 1989-90; Chris Metherell, Newcastle. Sabhal Mor Ostaig Summer Course 1989.
Sean Nós dance — taught by Paraic O hOibicin, Ronan Regan, Kieran Jordan and Maldon Meehan 2004-.
Highland Dancing — Stirling University Summer School 1987 (Elspeth Strathern and Sheena MacDonald); Private classes from Bobby Watson in Aberdeen, 1986-1990. Classes by Jennifer Wilson, Pete Daniels (New Zealand); Tui Downie (New Zealand); Orma Smith MBE (New Zealand); Glenys Gray (New Zealand); Charlie Mill (Dundee); Derek Haynes, and Bobby Munro.
Scottish Country Dancing — Classes in Stockholm between 1978-1985. RSCDS Summer Schools, St Andrew’s University, 1984, 1985, 1986.Training Workshops between 1978-1992 by Jennifer Wilson, Johan MacLean, Alastair MacFadyen, Bill Ireland, Derek Haynes, Duncan MacLeod, Margaret Church, Bobby Munro, and Bobby Watson.
Tutor Training Course, Feisean nan Gaidheal, Inverness, 2000.